

Mariposacoffeeroastery.com (we\u201d or \u201cus\u201d) values its visitors\u2019 privacy. This privacy policy is effective December 25, 2012; it summarizes what information we might collect from a registered user or other visitor (\u201cyou\u201d), and what we will and will not do with it.<\/p>\n

Please note that this privacy policy does not govern the collection and use of information by companies that Mariposacoffeeroastery.com does not control, nor by individuals not employed or managed by Mariposacoffeeroastery.com. If you visit a Web site that we mention or link to, be sure to review its privacy policy before providing the site with information.<\/p>\n

What we do with your personally identifiable information<\/h2>\n

It is always up to you whether to disclose personally identifiable information to us, although if you elect not to do so, we reserve the right not to register you as a user or provide you with any products or services. \u201cPersonally identifiable information\u201d means information that can be used to identify you as an individual, such as, for example:<\/p>\n